Our master’s degree of the various tools of restoration and production, our rigor in the execution of the missions of the decoration and the creation, which are confided to us for 12 years, the qualification of the companions who assist us (gilders, sculptors, painters, tapestry-makers, joiners), brought to us by love of our jobsto become the guarantees of a know-how recognized by France as international.
We are for your listening to realize your custom-made projects as well as the restoration of your works of art.

We try constantly to perfect our work, this one comes for a long time on the theme of the nature. We are inspired by her by contemplating her according to the example of the first people in the parietal arts. We look like a scholar to rediscover our first feelings in the face of they by trying to reproduce them in their essence.
They are our food.
– The story of the light
– The space in the composition
– An uncluttered esthetics,
– A requiring know-how
– An alchemy between former tradition and modernity
– The rigor.

The old pond
A frog plunges
The noise of the water